There should be an unofficial 'steam game blacklist' that lists games where devs neglect, scam or abuse their playerbase.

Games such as iRacing or Ark are notorious for taking players money and then banning

I have not one game in which I was banned. I got thrown in Jail once in Ragnarok online because I was using a bot on a second account who was following me. So I don't really know how and why you could get banned if you just play the game.

Then you have countless games that have been in 'early access' for years and are never going to get finished but constantly bring out new promises.

Well if you bought a game that was early access despite it clearly says that it is early access and that it could quite possibly never be finished it is your own damn fault for supporting this.

Games that don't listen to their playerbase.

Well these are developers in Indie games, they want to make their game and follow what they think is right. If you supported them then you did it because you support their design decisions.

It's stupid, we need our power back as the majority. We need to be able to name & shame and alienate the games that really shouldn't exist or the studios that are downright scams.

No we do not. Just look how DayZ is right now, rating of Mostly negative. Or CoD IW, got a lot of negativity but sold pretty well.

What gamers need to understand is that If you go on kickstarter, indiegogo or buy a game that is in Alpha or Early access on steam this game is not finished, quite possibly never will and that it will be a risk to give them money. Everyone who doesn't understand this then it is their own damn fault.

I don't want to praise the developers for doing this there are enough who start a campaign and run off with the money but if you support such a behaviour without research prior to the pledge/buy order then they succeeded in what they are trying to do. Getting your money!

/r/gaming Thread