Can we just appreciate the fact Innersloth added all these pride flag nameplates?

I haven't played this game in a while. Suddenly when you hurt people's feelings they claim to know a lot about you apparently. I think you just described yourself. It's your favorite game and the behavior about crying to mama is what you do. Well, you're the one who wrote it down so I guess you did call for mama. Don't report this comment by the way and also don't kick me out of this subreddit. To be honest to yourself you would need to remove and report that person too since he posted a comment that would be considered also hurtful in a daycare center. So technically if I don't get 6 likes like soad person did and you don't report both of you, you technically agree that bullying is ok. The person bullied should not matter at all to person in a fair, just and equal society. To me equality means that everyone is judged by their actions and if the action towards a person is exactly the same. For example racism is racism regardless of the person's skin color or whether or not they're part of the majority.

Racism: the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another.

Other definition: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

Same punishment for the same action regardless of the person's identity, personality, personal opinion, race, gender or anything for that matter. That's what justice means. So I didn't like flags. Are you supposed to like flags just because someone else does even if you have nothing against what it represents? So if Andrew Tate made a flag that represents traditional masculinity and is then used to support men's rights and that men who get strong and traditional in the ways he says is offensive? Should a flag supporting traditional masculinity where strong men protect women who want and need protection banned? Should Andrew Tate be banned everywhere for saying something to support strong men? Who are currently protecting Ukraine from current Russian invation and were legally obligated to stay there and women were allowed to leave? Women children and elderly first. Let's leave the strong men we talk so much shit about protect us. I haven't heard any uproar from feminists about how it wasn't equality to force Ukrainian men to stay behind and fight. Yeah, keep telling me how you're the ones wanting equality. "Jugdd a person by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words." Yes that includes me. Not liking a comment and disliking a comment are actions. Or I supposed they were called up vote and downvote here. "Don't open up about things when the cultural elite mistreats people or you'll make your life worse." Isn't that what the elite likes? You being an obedient little consumer.

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