CMV: People are way too sensitive about a pets well being

Just like old people, old pet's health can deteriorate quickly if you don't take care of them as soon as possible.

I noticed my 16 year old cat looked uncomfortable peeing just over 36 hours ago. Took her to emergency vet care (this was around midnight). $400 Canadian dollars later ($320 USD), find out she has a raging bladder infection, which could spread to her kidneys. Get some anti-biotics. Got her checked again today, as well as a bladder ultrasound. No signs of kidney infection or bladder infection or tumours. Seems like she will be fine. Cost another $200 ($150 USD) or so.

If I hadn't got her treated the night I noticed her discomfort, then it could have easily spread to her kidneys and caused kidney failure, given her age. She is an old cat. I was lucky I pay attention to how my pet's health and well being

If you want your animals to live a long, healthy life, look after them.

/r/changemyview Thread