Can we please ban "what's wrong with my beardie" posts?

Not everyone can afford a vet at any given moment unfortunately. Don't understand why you seem to think banning something like that is gonna help anything. It's pretty simple to just keep scrolling and not look if they bother you that bad. How are people supposed to know what they can and can't post in terms of asking advice? Sometimes people go to the vet and don't get any answers and wanna see if someone has gone through the same thing and might have an answer the vet couldn't. Sometimes people end up in unplanned financial hardship and might just be a victim of bad timing when their beardie gets sick and they just can't get to the vet at that moment. There's so many things that can happen and warrant asking for advice. All the entitlement in this sub is what makes me sick.

/r/BeardedDragons Thread