Caning and death sentences exist in Singapore. If you don't like it, commit a crime elsewhere.

Maybe, but more likely I think there are moral truths because in my own system of morality there are things I find morally reprehensible. Does this mean that there cannot exist a system of morality where the things I find morally reprehensible are accepted? No.

This doesn't really make sense. The existence of other moral systems does not somehow imply that they are justified. In fact it's pretty easy to just artificially construct a moral system that's internally inconsistent and self-contradictory. Also, the fact that the overwhelming majority of moral beliefs result from cultural norms and social constructs don't actually make moral systems inherently related to those things.

Even if either shop has the "fairer price", why tell the owner it's a scam after the purchase when the prices are made know to you from the start? Why only complain after you bought them? That's my actual problem with the whole issue, not whether the prices are actually fair or not in the first place.

I'm not sure what your actual position is here.

If your position is that complaining after willfully making a suboptimal decision annoys you, then okay, fine, nobody has an issue with you being annoyed, that is entirely your prerogative.

If your position is that complaining after willfully making a suboptimal decision somehow diminishes the strength or logical validity of that argument compared to making that complaint before making said decision or without making that decision at all, I'm not sure how that logically makes any sense because the unfairness of the price does not depend on whether or not you personally chose to opt into the scam.

My stand = why break the laws then complain they are not morally justifiable? Why not complain before you break the laws and punishment is levied?

My stance is that dismissing complaints just because they were made after breaking the laws is logically invalid. You can say that it is stupid of them to complain, but you cannot, in my opinion, actually dismiss the complaint itself on those grounds.

I'm not sure that the answer to "why" people did these things really matters here. Complaining before or after doesn't change whether or not the application of a particular punishment is morally justifiable.

EDIT: also wtf are you trying to say here? No bombastic words please, I'm just a barbaric Singaporean :)

By orthogonal I approximately mean unrelated. The terminology is mathematical.

/r/singapore Thread