I cant pass hall of magic b4.

I do not believe with your current monsters I can suggest a team capable of doing it. You don’t have much in the way of attacking sufficient to burst down the crystal or the boss. Normally if you can’t burst the boss down outright you focus on the right crystal and then the boss, as it is what controls the invincibility and you want to take it out first. As you have already stated since you cannot do that or burst the boss before getting killed... you are right in that Fire Viking (Geoffrey) is the next “best” alternative as he can steal the shield (giving you a 2 turn shield) and allowing you to keep doing dmg to the boss (ignoring the tower) also he is easy to rune and quite tank-ey for beginning of the game. While you do not have one, his SD is very common on Fire day so try to get one as soon as you can. I used him for a very long time and he was always a good monster to me. Light Inugami (Belladeon) is another SD on Light day you can try to get but harder to come by than Geoffrey. In the long run Belladeon is going to be much better to you and has late to end game usability so you may decide to skip Geoffrey and get a Belladeon. Until then you may have to just use a REP monster to clear it, not hard to find friends in game that are willing to help you out. I am ☠VΣΠΘM☠ in game and will make a spot in my list if you want. A few other things: Do the FB invites to get Neal (light fairy), 10K mana 100 of energy and crystals. The people do not have to accept, you just have to send. If you don't want to use your own FB acct create a fake one and search for monster hunter groups for friend adds. There is also an SD for her but really on light day just about everything else is more important to get SD wise. She is very good for what I am going to suggest to you which can help carry you early on if you learn the monsters limits. Get Ramagos (wind warbear)! He is Niche in late game but still has use! So I highly suggest getting one from the SD on wind day. He is a tank that has a built in heal and once awaken the clean shot ability will do a lot of damage. Clean Shot does the current amount of HP lost on the monster back in DMG. So if you have a 20K HP Ramagos and loose 10K in health and use Clean Shot it will do 10K dmg to the monster you target. If you kill the target with this skill you get another turn. Crouch heals Ramagos for 30% of total health (6K heal based on prior example) so the tactic is to use Couch after Clean Shot to sustain your Ramagos until the next Clean Shot. The reason these 2 are great together is that Ramagos, while he is designed to take DMG and easy to rune, is still very much at threat of dying before he gets his next turn. Neal who is faster helps allow you to just let him soak up dmg till about 25% health is left. If needed you can heal Ramagos or you cast Neal’s 2 turn invincibility on him (this is incase Clean Shot does not kill the opponent, you aren’t left with a very weak and likely dead Ramagos) You then use Clean Shot, then Crouch and repeat. This saves Neal’s heal for other monsters on your team. This is very affective in PvE and Arena at lower levels.

/r/summonerswar Thread