How has a female friend betrayed you that left you scarred ??

Not "betrayed" but I was disappointed and a little heartbroken by it. My old friend back from high school got kinda distant with me and I felt that happened after I was assaulted 3 years ago. I needed support from her and she ignored my message where I reached out for a week, which was very unlike her. We had always been there for each other when we were going through rough times. I was hurt by that and so I didn't reply to her asking to meet up later. Immature but I was mentally fragile at the time. I later got some help.

I've tried to reach out to her multiple times over the years but she doesn't seem to be that interested. She'll say that she's so happy to hear from me but when I write something back she'll ignore it. Last time I asked her to meet up for a coffee. She was so happy to hear from me and glad that I reached out, but when I messaged her again asking for specifics she left me on read. That was 12 weeks ago. Oh well.

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