cant queue with friends 2000 mmr lower than me

ur post is filled with ridiculous hyperbole and factual inaccuracies

it wouldnt take an hour to find a match like this, at most i dont see it taking more than an extra couple minutes. if you assume an average queue takes 2 minutes, doubling it would double the amount of players in the pool which should compensate fine. and even if it takes 10 minutes, id rather have that than ridiculous games where theres a 7.9k and 7.2k on opposing teams with 4ks on both sides. how does that make any sense whatsoever. theres nothing enjoyable about those games, all they amount to are who can kill the enemy 4ks 30 times last so that it also does well against the other 7k. this has happened to me several times in the past week (albeit not with a 7.9k and a 4.5k, but more like low 5k and high 6k).

i can assure you most people that are 6.5k+ would be thrilled to wait 10 minutes every game if it meant the matches were actually balanced reasonably.

you dont seem to understand what im saying about 6ks. unfortunately, not every player thats 6k queues enough games to qualify for the leaderboard. at least 1/2 to 2/3 of the 6k playerbase plays mostly unranked with some ranked or plays ranked on weekends/whenever theyre free. even then, theres actually a TON of 5k players if you assume theres just 500 6k+ out there. probably a few thousand at minimum.

when ranked wasnt introduced there were way more issues/problems + player skill was way lower on average. theres a much greater volume of players that are really really good at this game to the point where they can at least hold their own in 6.5k average games and stuff whereas back then singsing would probably be the only one.

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