AITA for calling out my mom on social media for abandoning me on my birthday


Your mom for planning something with you for your birthday and then backing out. Also telling you to suck it up or get over it, not really cool.

You, because social media is not a diary. Why do people insist on treating it as such? If you have an issue bring it up with her, if it doesn’t get resolved, be an adult. You are 21. I understand that you are taking time for mental health, but you’re still an adult who needs to realize that you have to have a discussion in order to get things resolved. If you already have and nothing is resolved and this is a continual thing, then it seems like you are getting your own hopes up and should know that she wasn’t going to actually go. It’s unfortunate having a parent like that, but you just have to move on from it or it will make you perpetually miserable.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread