Make Muertas passive her ultimate

Its entirely possible to be forced to jungle before 6. If you have a bad lane, your only recovery is jungle and neutrals.

Just yesterday I was forced out of lane as MK, and I just maxed W and farmed my way back.

And its not only about the jungle. While her Q is superb for wave clear, it costs a significant amount of mana if you are using it every wave, and having a passive which can alleviate that is much more useful to her.

You're also completely ignoring the aspects of balancing a normal skill, which has 4 levels vs an ultimate, which has 3.

The most popular build for Muerta right now is to max Q, which is her best laning and scaling spell, one point in W, and then max the passive. With this build, you should have maxed the passive by level 10 or 11. Whereas if it was her ultimate, you will only be able to max it by level 18, which means you are not farming as efficiently as possible.

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