I can't win ranked games, help!


Get 2 standard rune pages. Take the mana per level quintessence off your ad page for another attack speed or damage one. If I only have 2 rune pages to work with I would get a standard adc page (3 attack speed quints, ad reds, armor yellows, mix of mr nd attack speed blues), and an ap page (3 ap quints, magic pen red, health or armor yellow, mr blues). This should actually cover all the champs you need to play at the moment.

You want to accept you dont really know the game yet. Start to get confident at what you should do in a game, then try to learn to plan ahead and think about why you do things in game. You might not know how moba games work if you are in b5, and this is totally fine. You need to think not just about just fighting in this game. Watch some streamers, but dont focus on fighting and cool mechanics, try to watch how they win and reverse engineer it. Some people in my elo still think league is some fighting game, and they have got to ok elo by just spamming thousands of games, still build horrible items ect. This is actually so weird. Some of my friends are within a few divisions of me just playing loads of riven games. Like they have more games on one champion than i do total, but they dont seem to learn much from it. You can cut down time by thinking about how to win in game and why you won.lost after game.

In low elo, supporting is going to be hard. Also adc is a difficult role to climb out of bronze with. Generally if i see a low elo game its just bruiser champions stomping an adc into the ground. Consider learning all the roles to try and understand how to position yourself in fights and on the map. You got nothing to lose with your current win rate, so play the other roles too even in ranked. For ranked have like 2 champs per role, then for main roles you can have a few more but still keep it focused on your best champs. Id stick to lucian for example, bliz or morgana, middle play ahri or orianna ect. For roles you dont play much consider taking malphite, or something with a really good teamfight ult that is easy to use.

Some of your builds are ok (Lucian seems fine) but you dont need both iceborn gauntlet and tri force on ezreal, you usually pick one or the other. Use champion.gg to find common builds, then when you get more confident think what items you want yourself (much later on) and use probuilds to help.

Try to reduce the amount of deaths per game, always a good thing to work on. Also try and cs really well. Its something you should never fail at, because you can practice in customs. In bronze i am pretty sure i could win without killing my lane opponents much, but just with getting double their cs. I am not sure on the exact number, but between 15 and 20 cs is worth the same as a kill in just gold. So if you double their cs you are going to be stronger

In ranked, turn chat off if it makes you mad or unhappy. I still play 90% of my games with all players muted. There is almost nothing useful about chat in bronze 5. No one is going to teach you anything legit there. Doubt anyone times objectives. Consider timing things, specially if you are support.

Good luck, if you keep playing you will get better.

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