Is CBD safe while breastfeeding? I can't seem to find a definite answer online.

First of all, I'm using a throwaway bc reasons.

To answer your questions the cbd most likely transfers to your breast milk and most likely is passed onto your baby. How much and the effects haven't been studied. It really comes down to whether or not the benefits outweigh the cost.

I'm a mother to an exclusively breastfed 3 month old. I also use cbd tincture to treat my postpartum depression/anxiety. I was originally prescribed heavy antidepressants and xanax (I have a history of depression and Sara's either don't tend to work or make things worse). I took one dose and felt so strange and gross. After feeling that way all that went through my mind was I didn't want my baby feeling like that either. I had taken cbd before and it never felt like I was "on" something. I just felt better. I did a lot of scouring the internet and talking with my husband. What sealed the deal was finding out that the antidepressant my Dr knowingly prescribed to me, as a breastfeeding mother who expressed concerns about transfer to my baby, also hasn't been studied enough to guarantee my child won't have any adverse effects.

This is getting long but I thought a first hand account might be appreciated. My baby is doing great, hitting milestones, healthy appetite, smiley and social, and has never once seemed lethargic. I'm also feeling great. I can be my kids' mom again instead of this depressed, anxious mess. I'm able to eat again and laugh and enjoy my life. The best part for me is I don't feel like I'm "on" something, which makes me believe that my baby doesn't feel like she is "on" something either.

/r/CBD Thread