Chad Christianity

I just want to clarify that you think that capitalism is nothing but private ownership and free trade (as well as "promoting individual transactions" which doesn't mean anything as far as I can tell, care to explain?)? If that's the case then you are wrong. I would even go as far as to say that protectionism is a fundamental pillar of capitalism (one that can be ignored but shouldn't be if a nation wants to maintain it's industry and productivity and keep itself in position with it's economic rivals).

You have taken some of the basics of economics and called it capitalism. I think you really don't know what you're talking about.

I can understand a libertarian perspective when it comes to charity and sin. Let people fail or succeed on their own from a moral perspective. What worries me though is that the way our society is set up encourages greed to the point where they lose all connection to spirituality. The system is the problem because the system rewards unethical behavior. Where capitalism intersects with this promotion of greed is an incredible powerful lever. In capitalism the spoils of your greed become fuel to earn more, furthering your greed. In the age of agriculture and industrialism this was ugly but productive; in the age of global finance we have nothing but increasingly larger numbers.

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