Character Discussion [FE4]: Adean.


First off lets get this out the way, Adean is a staff bot and nothing else she has NO skills period, with a wind or thunder she can get surprisingly far in the arena but that's about it.

Now for choosing the father of her children (cause that's was fe4 is all about):

Alec: Pursuit is okay but meh stats no bows hurt

Noish: No pursuit or bow inhertaince. At least he gives charge and critical I guess?

Arden: can pass the killer bow and has easy access to the pursuit ring is nice, ambush can actually help Lester versus archer armies and possible against particular stupid ai with javelins, and both kids can take a hit better, but other pretty bad

Azel: Makes Rana have obscenely high magic, and gives Adean the rescue staff and Rana might be able to pull something off with pursuit upon promotion but she's stuff to thunder/wind or Elfire. Oh right and Lester sucks know other than being able to double

Lex: One of both Lex's and Adean's lesser pairing, doesn't give bow Inheritance or pursuit but it gives both Lester and Rana defense and elite so it's not the worst pairing in the world.

Fin: Pursuit and decent stats are something and prayer might have its uses and that magic bonus Fin gives Rana is nice but that's all he brings to the table along with giving Lester a iron bow locked for a while

Midayle: Adeans best pairing bar none IMHO. Gives Lester the hero bow, and pursuit along with charge on top, all Lester could want. Rana is fine regardless of her father so she doesn't care.

Dew: While it's not good (It doesn't have pursuit nor does it pass bows) it seems weird that it isn't predestined considering the two join together. Anyways bargain can help Rana get experience faster but other wise isn't good.

Jamka: Hero Bow and no pursuit. While continue and charge help this out a bit. Even with Jamkas higher stats he can't compete with Midayle's pursuit

Holyn: holy random pairings that make no sense, has anyone actually done this before? It's both lacks pursuit and bow inheritance pass this over like a skipping tone

Lewyn: I wished the game reversed holy blood and inheritance for this pairing, your screwing over Lester with this pairing regardless so might as well make Rana an amazing fighter after promotion, it would be far far less broken that Lewyn/Tiltyu and probably worse that Lewyn/Fury (though it still WAY better than Lewyn/Sylvia). As it stands the only thing it does is make Lester useless and makes Rana able to use Elwind (though she lacks pursuit so she's not gonna be a good combatant any ways)

Beowulf: No bows but pursuit not optimal but you could do worse

Claude: Allows the inheritance of A rank staves (namely rescue and reverse) but Makes Lester worthless, makes Lana an amazing healer

No one: Well dimna has pursuit which is better that some standard pairings but not inheriting Adeans staff hurt slot

/r/fireemblem Thread