Need advice on how I can fit in better with my boyfriend's family better

Thank you for the reality check, I'm sorry I came across as misogynistic. I don't want to compete with his SIL, I don't want to be liked any more than her, I just want to be accepted by everyone in general, not be their favourite. I am focusing on her in my post because we are the same age and I don't have many male friends, so I naturally gravitate to other women in a group because I feel more comfortable and I'm usually better at making friends with women than men. There's just more pressure because they could become family. But you're right, she doesn't owe me anything and I shouldn't expect anything. To them I'm just another one of their brother/BIL's girlfriend who may not stick around (although I hope so because we do talk about the future together, marriage, buying a house, etc.) but we aren't there yet and it will take time. We don't need to know each others life story or be BFFs. I'm going to keep being myself and continue being kind, loving and friendly to everyone, and they can either accept it or find a reason not to.

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