A charitable soul to type this mess

You are certainly more F and J than I am, I'll give you that, but idk if I'd say you were an INFJ. Do you veneer what you say so that the other party can understand you better (with conflict avoidance being a side effect), or do you do it so that the other party will like and trust you more (effectiveness of communication secondary to social influence)? I assumed that it was the former from your original post, but maybe I misunderstood. Typically, INFJs care a hell of a lot about what other people think of them (it honestly borders on paranoia sometimes) and I didn't get that impression from you.

Do you also plan out of necessity (job, conflict avoidance etc.) or do you plan stuff because you have an Ni vision of a better world and want to make a difference? Idk if chilling alone on a mountain is much of a plan.

Jung was definitely archetypal in his approach, but the official MBTI test uses dichotomies as far as I know. It's a radical shift from Jung that not everyone supports. If you want a more functions based approach, socionics might be more your thing.

I think the dichotomies are more useful because they are easier to use. I work in sales so I need a fast and decently accurate system for this stuff. I need to understand people and where I am in relation to other people, but I don't need to care about who they are on a fundamental level. I also don't like 90% of what my job entails, but I try my best anyway.

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