babe wake up, its time for the monthly type doubting (Type Me)

Oh honey! Ok where to start.

"You definitely use Te"

Nope. As an ENTJ, all my perceptions are empirica evidence. I would wither accept discard empirical evidence people present to me depending on perceived limited extent of factors introduced to whatever I'm presented with.

Ok...So perceptions is not Te. That's Se, Si, Ne, and Ni. Now ENTJs use Se (observable perceptions) all the freaking time. Which I discussed how the child function work in my post:

The child function is used very regularly. It's like an energy bunny running around on crack always wanting to be used until the battery runs out or the child gets wounded (hit from it's blind spot...the trickster) and then it can throw a tantrum like a child. Often times Se child gets angry when it is wounded, but otherwise, it is simply enjoying the moment.

I have excellent memory, people always tell me that. What Si blind actually is, is feeling like every legislative and systematic action which requires consideration of several factors at once is like a mountain you have to climb. While Se tertiary is actually being okay with having to climb an actual mountain as long as you don't have to deal with all that boring stuff, because it feels like torture.

Hating all the red tape is actually disliking Te which is where the authoritative, rules, laws, and boundaries come from. That is not Si.

Introverted Sensing (Si):

• Homeostasis: Body Temperature, Hunger, Emotions, etc.

• Fight, Flight, Freeze Response: Goosebumps, Hair Standing on End, Racing Heart, etc.

• Long-Term Memory:

o Explicit Memory (actively recalled):

 Semantic Memory (details, data, dates, names, etc)

 Episodic Memory (past personal experiences)

o Implicit Memory (passively recalled):

 Procedural Skills & Habits (Muscle Memory)

 Respondent (Classical) Conditioning (Think Pavlov)

 Non-Associative (Habituation) Learning

 Priming

• Bonds/Loyalty: Lasting Impressions & Imprinting, Attachments (Spiritual Cords) (This can also be negative impressions from trauma/abuse resulting in PTSD where a piece of you is trapped in the past and when that memory gets triggered you are reliving a past event rather than truly perceiving what is happening in that very moment.

• Consistency: Routines & Traditions

• Time Period - Past: What happened before?

Ti uses deduction to narrow down to what is valid and invalid. Te uses induction to determine what is true and false. So him doubting his deductive reasoning on whether or not his personality type is valid is Ti nemesis. Him seeking a group consensus of what is empirically true is Te... meaning peer reviewed information, experiments that have been corroborated by repeating it and getting the same result, and being able to confirm the results are true by perceiving (Se) irrefutable, observable evidence is Te. Te is group consensus on what is true based on evidence and experience (i.e. scientific facts). Fe is group consensus on what is good behavior based on that group, culture, society, etc (i.e. ethics).

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