Type me, l created a reddit account just for this.

Ok I’ve been torn between ENTJ and ENTP. The teetering factor here for me is that yes ENTJ can be manipulative yes but there is a coyness. Where as ENTP can naturally be less moralistic. But are more blunt; it’s the “I just don’t care.” But either one can behave correctly in public especially if they’re with someone they respect that is moral.

I’m going to end with at least presently ENTJ that acts like an ENTP.

And I really have to add though that although you didn’t want to consider ESTP that you should know ESTP can be “extremely intelligent” in creating and understanding systems. Looking at functions individually is all well and good but they are also like scientific formulas and really how I tend to see them. They can become something completely different when other elements are added together.

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