Christ was not good neither are his followers

He cursed a fig tree to death because it wasn't bearing fruit out of season when he passed. But Jesus wanted figs, so that tree had to die. He also said he only came for the lost sheep of Israel. As in he came to save the Jewish people. The entire creating of a new religion wasn't his idea. He also said the laws of the old testament would never change, yet Christians still wear stretch pants and eat bacon. He told people not even to say good bye to their families, just drop their work and follow him. He said he came to tear families apart and turn them against each other over differing beliefs.

Also, the entire Christian religion is based on Hebrew beliefs with the Torah as a foundation for the whole religion. They claimed Jesus was the messiah described in the Torah. Except he didn't fit the description. Like at all. Basically Jesus was an apocalyptic street preacher toting around a sign that says, "The End is Near," and shouting at people. Literally, he said the end would happen within his lifetime. It didn't. So, the Torah was just a made up religion that someone else based another made up religion on. 2,000 years later Christians have neglected to understand that if Jesus ever even existed, he didn't know what a Christian was, his purpose wasn't to create a new religion, and the things he claimed failed to come to pass so at best he was just a homeless wandering Jewish false prophet. He could actually be based on a mash up of several similar homeless wandering the end is near street preachers. It was popular at the time.

/r/Antitheism Thread