CIG updates response to Escapist

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employee by examining his 'company ID card with the name blocked out." You might be interested to know that CIG does not Sue any company ID cards at any of its studios!

All of these rather obvious circumstances could have been easily revealed if you had applied a minimal level of journalistic professionalism, which would have included contacting the affected individuals and entities, quoting all these allegations, and obtaining their response. We have since been advised by several reputable gaming publications that they had ban offered these stories, but refrained from pursuing thorn because -there was no hard evidence and not enough sources." This indicates that these fabricated modes had been collected and were "shopped" around by a common source to find somebody who could be fooled into publishing them. It would explain the haste with which you wanted -to go to print" - you may have been sold a load of goods that otherwise another publication would get the privilege to break this "scoop."

In the best case, we have to assume that you - unlike reputable publications -just could not resist the temptation to gamer plenty of clicks (and therefore advertiser revenue) for a big "scoop" about the Star Citizen juggernaut regardless of how shoddily it was researched and 'vetted" by the little supervised Author who has no journalistic experience to speak of. In a more sinister, yet quite probable scenario. you wets used - with or without your knowledge - by a group of agitating individuals who conspired with malicious purpose to inflict damage.

Several facts point to the latter scenario. -

  • Whole passages of the Article which the Author also repeated in the Podcast, were lifted from anonymous "reviews" posted on which the Author could not have verified since the site does not offer any messaging options.

  • Conspicuously, those -reviews- were posted very recently, i.e. after the Author had posted a previous article about Star Citizen and the self-appointed agitator Derek Smart, and just shortly before the Article went online. Mr. Smart hinted in an email to me just hours before you posted the Attics that CIG employees "departed, fired or laid off are now talking."

  • The "story" was obviously collected and "shopped" to several other gaming outlets which calls very much into question the Author's contention that these sources contacted the Author independently of each other.

As we pointed out in our response to your original (incomplete) inquiry, the Author appears to have been biased due to previous involvements with known detractors of CIG, its executives, and the project Star Citizen.

Overall, your gross negligence and complete lack of journalistic professionalism in handling this matter is hard to fathom. The Author whom you let nut with this is story, quite clearly does not have any journalism education - formal or vocational. Be that as it may, when kids like this run rampant you as the Managing Editor and professional journalist are supposed to provide the adult supervision. Did you simply abscond your journalistic background and completely and inexcusably dropped the hall, or were you a willing participant in this conspiracy?

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I shouldn't have to explain to you that the protections afforded to our free press, including the right to anonymize and protect sources in legal proceedings, comes subject to following certain well-established journalistic ethical practices which arc the prerequisite for the assumption of a bona fide journalistic work and the ensuing protections. These include, besides proper vetting of the veracity of any such sources, the requirement to provide a reasonable opportunity to any affected person or entity to comment on the reported allegations. The fart that you were speaking to disgruntled former employees with an one to grind should have given you reasonable pause as to the veracity of these serious allegations. Further, in this particular case when the allegations are very severe such as suggesting illegal and despicable practices - and therefore are likely to damage the reputation and or business of the individuals or entities involved, you had to use proper efforts to obtain a comment and reply from the accused parties. In this caw. even minimal journalistic efforts could have clarified the situation and avoided tremendous damage caused by your actions.

As a personal comment, I come from a family of journalists (and attorneys) and I do not condone a lot of the criticism and preys bashing that has become common in certain circles. However, it is egregious violations of the profession's ethical standards like in your case that sadly give the press a bad name. Your reckless and inexcusable behavior has caused incredible damage on various levels - ranging from severe emotional distress for the individuals concerned to economic damage for VG. And since it is also grossly negligent we cannot exclude malicious intent- with all actionable consequences and liabilities for you and the Author personally. as well as your publication and its parent company.

We hereby demand that you, as the responsible person in charge,

  • Personally apologize to Ms. Gardiner and our HR Manager for the tremendous emotional distress and potential reputations] harm that you have caused to than by violating the most basic journalistic duties of fair and balanced reporting,

  • Publish said apology on your magazine's website, together with a retraction of the Article until such time as the murky backgrounds of its creation have been investigated,

  • Engage and empower an independent party to fully investigate the events and circumstances that led to the creation and publication of this Ankle, including any bias of your garland their involvement with other interested parties and any conspiring arrangements between them.

If we have not received within a reasonable time your written confirmation (email being sufficient) that you agree to cooperate and comply with the above demands we will firstly publish this Inter on our website. Based on the generous standards set by you, we believe that 24 hours should be sufficient to hear from you. Furthermore, if we have not received the aforementioned confirmation from you or your magazine and/or its parent company by ROD Monday. we will turn this matter over to our litigators to prepare legal action in the US and the UK against the individuals and entities involved as listed herein.

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The above statements shall not be construed as a complete statement of the facts or our rights at law and in equity, all of which arc hereby expo:Rely reserved.

Sincerely, Co-Founder, Vice Chairman & General Counsel CC: William P. Dom.. Jr., Esq., Cooky U.P (via email): Alan Moss, Esq., Harbottle & Lewis, LLP (via email)

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