I have a citizenship swearing in ceremony in two weeks. I'm currently on perminant residency. Buy I am about to plead guilty to shoplifting. What happens with my citizenship now?

Settle down you miserable psychopath, you're clearly a cold heartless cunt. What did your parents do to you? That is a serious questions.

First up, you cock smoking wanka, I will reply to any comment that I fucking want to, I don't give a fuck how long ago it was, I will respond to what I like when I like. But I can already see the problem isn't with when I responded it's because I disagreed with you and called you out on it. If my response had been different you wouldn't have written the response you did. I didn't suggest anything was the governments fault nor did I say anything about fat people. Please don't put words in my mouth And no I am not a disgusting slob of a human being and I do not feel bad. I can so see what a cruel, heartless, broken person you are.

I was fortunate enough not to grow up in poverty, I didn't miss out on anything growing up, I had everything I needed and a bit more...but what about those who didn't? How can you possibly judge people who had nothing of monetary value and suffered horrible injustices growing up? Who are you to say they need to get their shit together no excuses?

I worked my arse off to complete my Masters and become a qualified Primary and Secondary school teacher. I also have a degree in Media and Communications and do freelance work writing the occasional article for The Age newspaper and Australia's Surfing Life. Oh and I'm also a qualified Paramedic though I do not work in that industry anymore. But do you know how I've been able to accomplish that by the age of 28? I had opportunities that not everyone else has. I was lucky. It wasn't just hard work. Not everyone can afford to go to uni or even eat because not everyone has had it as good as other people such as you and I. Are there any circumstances or any amount of suffering you can think of in which the need to steal food or any other kinds of essentials is somewhat justified or understandable???

You sound so bitter and venomous. Why? One does not simply become a person of your ilk without good reason? Can you shed some light? My guess is you endured a miserable childhood, you were born into a family who showed little, if any, love for you (what's there to love though?) and were deprived of all affection your parents. Being an only child meant you couldn not get this from anion kîiïyuuyy . You spent a lot of time alone and were left to your own devices regularly , this led you to develop a false sense of the control. You were left to your own devices. You had to take care of yourself and get yourself through the teenage years. Your control issues are extremely evident throughout your previous message. Not much has changed has it? You are shunned and are a social outcast in your real life aren't you?

There is a distinctive atmosphere that appears to surround and be generated by you. People are ill-at-ease when you are lurking around. You weren't a normal happy, easy-going kid, you were rigid, unnatural and inhibited. It infuriates you when others refuse to conform to your rigid ways. You see other people going about their lives and interpret the most innocent of actions as an outright refusal to obey and conform. When one holds an opinion that is in contrast with yours you start to rage. You are dramatic and over-the-top.

. mindset and taking responsibility, while also making amends for any poor decisions they've made (like choosing to be born into poverty, drug use, child abuse, domestic violence ft or to suffer a myriad of other problems exposed to.

And PS you cock smoking wanka, I will reply to any fucking comment that I fucking want to, I don't give a fuck if you wrote it a year ago, o will respond to any comment I like. If you have a problem with this then you should remove your comments after a certain time. When you write something on the Internet or social media it's usually there forever. Unless you take it down. Or is problem with me responding more to do with the fact that I disagree with you and called you out for the cruel, heartless, broken person that you are?

I didn't suggest it's the governments fault nor did I suggest it's the industry's fault that people are fat. Please don't put words in my mouth.

And I am not a disgusting slob of a human being and I do not feel bad. I studied my arse off to become a paramedic, then completed my Masters in Education. I am a Primary school teacher and qualified to teach both Primary and Secondary. I also do freelance work writing the occasional article for The Age newspaper or Australia's Surfing Life. I didn't manage to get here simply by working hard. I accomplished that Because I'm lucky. I had opportunities that many people don't have. I got to grow up in one of the most affluent suburbs in Victoria, not because I did anything right but because I was lucky enough to be born into that. I was born into a poor family where there was a lack of education and my parents were working their butts off on minimum wage or perhaps they had drug problems or mental illness they would ultimately fuck me up too then how the hell is on supposed to dig themselves out of that? Given that they're a child or young adult who has been exposed to events and experiences that the large majority of Australian people do not have to go through. Is there not a single situation or negative life event or experience that you could possibly go through that would keep you down for long enough that you would need to steal food or any other kind of essential? My God, you are an absolute idiot and I can already tell there is not really any point to even try and discuss this with you. I can't argue with your logic.

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