Claims Supervisor

Basically you are responsible for processing all the damaged and defective merchandise(+merchandise that needs to be returned to the supplier for whatever reasons) in the store, except for fresh areas, jewellery and dept 56 of the garden center. The catch is that usually there are very large amounts of merchandise to be processed through claims and most of the time you are working on your own and you don't have any help. Associates usually consider the claims area as a trash dump and almost every morning you have to deal with some sort of mess, like large quantities of shampoo or laundry detergent that leaked everywhere, sometimes they will leave you a pack of 4 cans of paint that are leaking. You will have to deal with rotten baby food or dog food very often. It's not for people that can't handle smells, gnats and flies. They don't care that you have to clean up all of their mess and that you usually don't have a lot of time to deal with it. To combat shrink in the claims area you have to have all of the claims merchandise processed in a timely manner and all of the claims paperwork organized, but normally you don't have enough time for all that. They also want you to have a printed zero markdown report and have a member of management present whenever you are throwing anything away in the trash compactor, but that just isn't realistic. Anyway, claims supervisor is one of the hardest and unfairest jobs at walmart. I wouldn't recommend this position to anyone. I believe it needs to be eliminated and every department should be processing their own claims. That would be the only fair way to deal with all the burden of claims processing.

/r/walmart Thread