CLB: The Contradictory Drake

It’s too early to say that it’s his best album but your thematic points are spot on. I think this album actually fully embodies the CLB trailer he dropped last year. It’s the new Dark Lane Demo Tapes Drake (specifically WTSW and Chicago Freestyle) tapping into the energy of So Far Gone, Take Care, and NWTS Drake. With a some sprinkles of More Life and IYTITL Drake. I think it’s fair to criticize an artist for revisiting old soundscapes instead crafting something new. But I think it should be noted how well are they tapping into to old energy. The highs on this album are just as good or better than the highs on albums he’s inspired by.

The self-referential nature of the music is also encapsulated in the cover. This painting, crafted by Damien Hirst, is a cross between his famed Spot paintings and the Virgin Mother sculpture. It may be simple meme fodder on its face but there are additional layers to it. It feels like an embodiment of the old Young Money song Every Girl and a nod to the deadbeat dad narrative surrounding Drake. Its goofiness is in stark contrast with the actual music that is presented. I didn’t realize how unsettling the cover actually was until I saw the animated version on Apple Music.

The Certified Lover Boy persona is either a caricature of the most toxic parts of himself, a fictional character, or just who he is as a person. It’s Drake fully in his Joe from You bag.

I do really like the album but I get the criticisms of it. I’m pretty confident that the music will age well.

/r/Drizzy Thread