My (F28) bf (M29) became distant with me and said he doesnt love me anymore the way he did

I had the same problem as yours. Before, he was always the one to initiate going out together but now, I've been trying too many times and I even told him that this is bothering me and I don't like it. I understand that he's having a lot on his plate right now now that he's about to graduate this year but I always tell him to at least have a time for us, because I miss him. This is not only for me but for his sake too. get some sun and breathe out his stress. Recently, my heart broke when he managed to join his friends hang out on a club. That's when I knew I'm not one of his priority anymore.

My advice for you, try not to talk to him for three days. if you don't get a respond from him, that's when you leave. cause being depressive doesn't make the respect to your partner fade. but hey, good luck with that.

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