Clitoris, the big red dog

Please read this removal notice carefully, especially if you plan to contact the moderators. If you contact the moderators to ask "why was my post removed," or to argue that "but my post was a malapropism," and the answer is clearly in this removal reason, we'll get very very grumpy and are likely to either ignore you, mute you, or even ban you. We'll also be exchanging snorts of derisive laughter because you obviously didn't read the removal message.

This post has been removed for the following reason(s):

Rule 1: Both the malapropism and the original word must be dictionary-defined words. A malapropism is the mistaken use of a real, dictionary-defined word or phrase by a human in place of another real, dictionary-defined word or phrase that sounds similar.




  • BOTH WORDS MUST be real words as defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary (this includes foreign words and names. If both words are not in the dictionary, it's not valid). That's the dictionary we use. No other.  
  • Both words must be separate words. "Assburgers" is not a malapropism because it's not a word. It'stwo wordstogether.  
  • The mistaken word must sound similar to real word. This means phonetically, not regionally. We do not take regional accents into account.  
  • The malapropism must not be from children or ESL speakers.  
  • No memes.  
  • No brand names or proper names.    

Anything else is at moderator discretion. Please don't contact the moderators asking why your message was removed unless you've checked the Merriam-Webster dictionary to make sure both words are dictionary-defined, non-proper-noun, words. Please don't contact the moderators with a note that reads "hey, you removed my post where someone used 'iounkjb' instead of milquetoast." Please do contact the moderators if your post was removed for a reason that's not clearly related to your post.

If you have any questions, feel free to send us a modmail! But, again, please be sure you've read the entire removal reason carefully before doing so.

/r/BoneAppleTea Thread Link -