Anybody see the argument downtown?

Just dropping this link here in case you want to check it out...

Some people also end up on some sort of probation if they commit a crime, and then they can be held a little more accountable to actually make progress on their issues. The criminal justice system is improving their ability to deal with mental health issues, but historically a lot of people have just gotten worse because they end up in jail or prison, rather than rehabilitated...which is a problem in general.

Unfortunately, it seems like some people tend to fall through the cracks because once they get committed they know exactly what to say in order to get released. And they are able to toe the line between truly being a danger to society and being an unstable nuisance. People like this guy tend to be really treatment resistant as well, and mental health professionals can only do so much with somebody who doesn't want to change.

/r/SiouxFalls Thread Parent