[CM/CF] My Cousin, My Teenage Fantasy

Really, you too? You haven't heard of someone refer to a vibrator that wasn't vibrating as a plain dildo.

Sorry, yes, it bothers me. A vibrator is still a vibrator even when it's not turned on. A dildo doesn't vibrate. It's pretty simple.

Why is it ok to tear apart a post that a user invested hours writing, that they personally felt should be termed as non-fictional (maybe there were fictional parts but you already know most stories here are mostly fiction) but you're ok defending similar comments on this post that he marked as fiction. Wouldn't it be worse the other way around?

I don't actually personally agree with either. There's tons of incorrectly flaired posts on this subreddit, I don't get offended every time I know it isn't true. But being a mod also means I bite my tongue when I have to. Looks, it's perfectly okay that parts of your story were fictional. But this subreddit has a long history of being fed bullshit and expected to just take it up the ass. By marking it as an "event" and parading it as the gods honest truth, you gave users a way to openly doubt you. Some posts won't receive those kinds of comments, there's plenty of those.

but you're ok defending similar comments on this post that he marked as fiction.

I'm only defending his post because it's clear you did this as a personal attack. You're angry at him for what he said on your post so you're taking it out on him. Again.

If this is the removed comment you're referring to, it was removed because he called another user a dick (I assume, I wasn't the mod who removed it but that's the comment that was left.) Notice the upvote/downvotes on those comments though? Are you forgetting that apparently other people agreed with him? The OP's comment was also removed for calling you a moron.

Quite frankly, you posted ~15 days ago and you need to let this go. Stop replying to him. I'm done hearing about how you were wronged on your post that happened half a month ago. If your issues with it were this big, it should have been brought to the moderators attention long ago.

/r/incest Thread Parent