CMV: A $15/hour minimum wage is a disastrous proposition which will accelerate youth unemployment and automation and increase product prices.

Um, nope. I can guarantee it's not impossible and no, I'm not about to give you my entire financial breakdown. I really don't feel the need to prove that the life that I'm literally living is possible to strangers who apparently think Im lying right off the hop.

And if a nice house, nice car, country yard, cell phones, decent quality clothing, a healthy and varied diet, a few splurges a month like eating out or catching a movie and taking care of our pets isn't living well then I'm okay with living a subpar life. We do currently bring in more than a minimum wage job, my point was that WE can easily live on one minimum wage job if need be. That's for two people. If both had a minimum wage job then you'd have loads to save away. That's in MY area. I'm well aware that this does not worl in most areas which is why my original comment was JUST ASKING what area that person lived in. Instead of getting an answer to a pretty simple question I've been downvoted to hell and berated by people who somehow think they know more about my finances and life than I do.

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