CNBC Article Compares OS Preference to Music Taste; Paul Thurrott Responds


[–]kingfet 5 points 4 days ago

Hopefully this isn't taboo around these parts but try out google music, its available on iOS. Its basically the same idea (upload your music library to googles servers and then stream them from any device, or download them physically to any device). Best of all its free up to 20,000 songs stored. Its fantastic if you have a generous or unlimited data plan.

Try Windows 8.1. It actually gives better performance than 7 in gaming especially with the latest hardware and games.

[–]kingfet 1 point 29 days ago

They are actually a US based company that designs phones mainly for South American markets. I believe they are based in Miami. Of course they are made in China but what phone isn't.

I had tried the Win HD from Blu and it was fantastic. I was blown away by the quality.

[–]kingfet 6 points 2 months ago

I am a Microsoft fanboy in a lot of ways. I grew up with Microsoft and I really really wanted to like Windows Phone. So this past summer I bought a Lumia 521 for a disposable vacation phone and there were things I liked. So I invested in a more expensive Lumia (forgot the number). After using it for about a month though a lot of its faults became clear.

Internet Explorer sucks and sucks bad. The music apps interface is wonky and never acts in a logical way. Good luck with any decent third party apps. The app store is infested with trash.

On the other hand Nokias apps are great. Especially some of the camera related ones and Drive.

After about two months I switched back to an Iphone 6. Just couldn't do it. I still think Windows Phone is two years behind Android and iOS and probably will never be competitive. Its a shame. There just is no room for their market. Android will own the lower end and low mid end. Apple will own the high end and upper middle.

/r/windowsphone Thread