How do you want to impress a girl on your very first date?

My first date is always as follows. Coffee shop in my historic home town of Gettysburg (also a college town) try and do it on a day there is free music. It's chill, it's non-pressuring, and it let's me see if they like the same awful indie music I do. Runs me about 6 bucks coffee and a cupcake or something. That was just the recon phase, seeing if we are compatible.

If that goes well we walk on the battle field a bit, it's nice, it's naturey, I know all about the battle so it let's me casually demonstrate knowledge cause I can answer most any question they have while we walk. I time it so we get to the Eisenhower Observation Tower right before sunset. I left weights but never show up to a date guns out full douche mode. I just wear a tight fitting fashionable button up then carry her on my back up the tower. It let's me demonstrate strength and let's them feel how strong my back is (and let's me get an approximation on exactly how much they weigh). So now we're at the top. with a great view. Some people are afraid of heights. I'm literally a U.S. Army paratrooper. I've jumped out of taller towers than that with no parachute on. So another chance to demonstrate value. The sun sets on the west as I'm conviently talking about some landmark in that direction. We lean on the bars and I make my move.

BUT what if I fail at that point? Every good soldier has a PACE plan. If I get shot down, or the moment just isn't right, we head to Devil's Den A nice little historic spot that by this time of night should be all but deserted. We can sit on top the rocks, kick our shoes off, and chat. Hopefully here we will click because I'm now on a time hack, the sun is down, this place isn't very fun during colder months like winter so it's probably kinda late, and the park rangers come through at 10 and kick you out which is far from romantic. Now I have to seal the deal. If I can't we just keep moving.

Mr. G's homemade ice cream shop is only open for a little while longer. Just enough time for me to buy us some ice cream (date now costing around $10) before Mr. G's closes and I point out it's late and hope she comes back to my apartment.

Everything in town is no closed. My only other option is to offer we hang out at the college which is very pretty at night if the frats aren't in full swing making things...less than classy

It's a fairly romantic, relaxed, and unique date. It let's me show off some talents and interests and is inconspiculously cheap. And if by chance she and I have no place being together and after all this I still strike least she got a free battlefield mini-tour...

/r/dating Thread