FORG1VEN 'I would like to dedicate our qualification to my father'

I could calculate the square root of 2 to a couple of decimals by the age of 4. School was super easy and I was skipping most of the time, just showing up for tests and basically reverse engineering them and getting B's and A's without even going to classes. Logic is just super simple. I got hated by some guys who would spend their entire evenings in the library, practicing for these tests and then getting a far worse grade than mine.

I dropped out of high school out of boredom and started my own company and I've been extremely successful in my worklife (won one of the worlds most prestigious design awards) and I beat people at games while having put in a tenth of their time. I very seldom try hard because life has made me extremely lazy.

Talent is a curse, it makes you lazy. But it exists for certain. I aced Mensa's three online IQ tests but I've never tried a real one so I don't know how I would perform. My teachers we're always angry with me because I never tried to amount to anything and told me I was throwing my talent away. As if I had some kind of obligation to do something with it.

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