Is this common?

Your post has been removed from /r/ClashRoyale:

These are the topics that are currently over saturating the subreddit and are being swept away until further notice. They are of low quality

Getting or not getting a legendary card

Getting a super magical chest

Getting to or getting close to a new arena

Deck posts with very little detail

Image or GIF with no direct relation to Clash Royale

Complaining about complaining

Reposted ideas including

Unranked arena

Turn off emotes

Make matchmaking consider card levels

Reposted [BUG] reports

Displayed number of cards able to be received is odd. When logging back in, it might appear that you have received 3/30 rare cards. Cards able to be received follows the normal pattern, but the login kinda screws it up. SC is aware.

Shop has an unusual assortment of rarities. The shop no longer follows the common, rare, epic format of previous. Sometimes you get three commons, sometimes you get three epics.

Kings are facing the wrong direction. A common issue sometimes. This is part of the Longest friendly battle everrrr. Don't know why this happens, but SC is aware.


Any questions, message the mods.

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