(Spoilers Everything) Olenna Tyrell isnt a master player

What bullshit is this?

He fears his mother.

Oh, I must have missed the memo that

Not allowing others to walk all over you isn't being macho it's being a healthy adult.

[citation needed]

It seems clear to me he lacks social and emotional situational awareness.

Lacks self respect.

Again, he allows others to walk all over him, and he's fat. These are clues that he has poor self respect. If he respected himself he would treat his body better, and he wouldn't allow so many others to treat him like a tool.

DAE people who eat food must be psychotic?

When did I say he was psychotic? Overeating is a personality trait many people have who seek the pleasure of food to avoid the pain of reality.

??? Are we still talking about Mace?

Yeah, he's timid as fuck.

Today in armchair psychoanalysis, volume #6307

You're the one who asked me to explain my reasoning for why his character traits could possibly be the result of poor parenting.

Do you know what verbal abuse is?

Do you not know how narcissists systematically behave toward others?

I'm so tired of people ascribing all sorts of bullshit to characters that are a tiny fraction of a standard deviation from the norm.

Yeah, man, Mace, as a character, is a totally a healthy individual. In fact, every character in asoiaf don't really have any negative character traits - especially none which could be attributed to their upbringing.

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