Community Feedback Update -- February 4, 2016

I love the map changes, finally I dont play with instant disadvantage against Zerg players. I think disruptor change is cool, its boring to either play and watch, chargelot archon immortal army compositions are much more fun in every aspect. Also as a ton of Protoss players already pointed out, Im sad that PvZ wasnt even mentioned. By far the most imbalanced MU in the game in my opinion, lots of pro players talking about it as well. After patch in master league I get 4 out of 5 games ling all in, lingdrop all in, roach ling all in, roach ravager all in and its incredibly hard to play against. The most problematic from Protoss side in the definetly the early game. As a Protoss you have to be very spot on with your scouting, see the evo chamber and if there is a 3rd or not. Even when I scout this, I still cannot hold it sometimes(GSL protoss players constantly lose against this too) or if I do with minimal losses I still did not win the game because zerg are heavily droning while harassing the mineral lines and way ahead in economy. I do not want to throw down cannons in every single game without scout, because if the zerg players does not go for an allin, then Im way behind with my tech, which is Protoss relies on the most. And the biggest problem is and thats why a lots of Protoss players stuck in platinum (as we can see on and below, if you do not scout it you will lose instantly, especially after the P.O. nerf. Same problem with the roach allins, but I do think the map changes will help in that case. Also I have to point out that Phoenixes are overpowered againt zerg. If some reason Protoss players fail to die in the early game and can throw down their third and go for 2 Stargate Zergs has no option to counterplay that. They have nothing against that much of phoenixes Protoss can produce until huge amount of hydras or corruptors and with Phoenixes countering Lurkers - Immortals, chargelots and archons just shredding any kind of Zerg ground compositions - and this is also a problem. Also Zerg has no lategames options as Protoss has 8-15 Phoenixes and 8-10 Immortals so no massmuta and no ultraplay is viable, the only option would be the Brood Lord, but with already 2SG for toss, they can easily start producing temptests. So I think early game is heavily zerg favored, while Protoss lategame is way too superior also. So please lets start to discuss about this and make this game even better!

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