What does it take to get dates in person now adays?

Get better at trolling

I never said men in college are getting less, I said the opposite in fact.

If you agree that men in college have a better chance at sex than men outside of it what the fuck is your point of saying this?

60% of men who go through university will not have sex

What the fuck does the amount of men NOT having sex in college have to do with the fact that men in college still have more sex than the average man? You don't think I don't know most men don't have sex? We're discussing the men that do.

Speaking of which learn how to quote. Put a space after the ">"

Here's an example:

How long have you been single?

yr1444 26m Nearly 20 years

Damn. You should be do college tours so those 60% of sexless college students can see what a loser looks like.

yr1444 1h ah yes, because it's not like dentist work is expensive or anything

yr1444 1h Genuine question, wtf is the point of combing your hair?

/r/dating Thread Parent