I have a confession.

I'm doing really well. I recently fought for a sizable raise, am on track for senior management, and have saved 4/7 pay checks earned in 2016. Got a $600 bonus for completing a 12 week project at work. I hit the gym frequently. I have much more self worth than you think. I also have higher standards and expectations of myself, so that's why I want to do something almost nearly impossible and truly difficult to prove that I am better than many people on paper. None of my peers have three degrees, two certificates, 10 projects, a shitload of volunteer experience and paid internships under their belt.

Nobody, NOBODY cares about "on paper". Your $600 bonus doesn't cover a night out in the real world. I dont care about your perceived success and besides, you have nothing to prove to me.

How do you compare?

Academically? Professionally? Financially? All irrelevant. I'm not entering this pissing contest with you. I dont have time for it, and if I did you wouldn't like the reality of the differences between us. Romantically though, I have two failed engagements that both ended the same way - my fiancées wanted space and to see other people - but it came out in the end that they had both been sleeping around for months. I will never get engaged again, marriage is no longer something I feel I need or even want.

Don't red pill me with that blah blah blah

I was talking about one women. Not All women. Your knee jerk, borderline straw-man refutation of a point I didn't make is hilarious and speaks volumes of the type of person you are. Stop letting the internet fill in the parts where actual life experience is lacking.

Fix your car. Better yourself, or dont. I dont really give a shit.

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