Congratulations! Your world is now the setting of a Major Motion Picture. Who's making it, and what is it about?

Blue our, noblest veil Haise 'Allowen's tales as the Fourth Demigod is retold. His journey from a fugitive Alchemist-Warrior to a War hero of the Lobitzzig Civil War is told through a series of diaries found inside hermitage where his body was being buried in the nearby coast.

Directed by: Christopher Nolan

Soundtrack: Guy who composed The Revenant and Hiroyuki Sawano

Special Effects: LOTR Special effects team.

1971 Doomsday A lone "swagman" ventures the shattered Australia after the 1970 doomsday. The 1970 doomsday was a Nuclear Exchange that took place because of the 1966 Philippines War between China, Vietnam, Russia, the Huks and the American, Philippine, British forces. The Sino-Soviet split never happens and results to a seriously close allegiance between China and Russia. The lone Swagman, Dennis Colagh ventures as a merchant/mercenary but during his journeys he helps a community of Communists, Merchants, Aboriginal Fascists and Liberals. This community is very peaceful and no conflict takes place. Dennis contributes a lot to this community and is elected as Prime Protector of New Australis. He expands his territory and unifies New South Wales, implementing Communist, Fascist and Neoliberal Policies to his government. Although a great leader, his government turns corrupt and while his so called "alliance" with the Aboriginal Nationalist Communists is established, it turns faulty as skirmishes take place along the border. Just before his birthday he nearly unifies half of Australia but he dies from an Assasination Caesar style. New Australis crumbles to several factions; Communist, Fascist, Nazis and Napoleonic-style Empires. The story ends with his ghost, a lone swagman guides his son to his treasures that he kept as Prime Protector. As his son opens the chest he finds a bag of food, water and some pennies and a note saying "Venture on, Ye' lucky bastard"

/r/worldbuilding Thread