Congressman tells angry constituents the idea that they pay his salary is ‘bullcrap’

Oh, so Princeton says research tells us that we live in a Plutocracy? Not really news to anyone paying attention... Not enough people are willing to admit it and stand up to our overlords. They'll say we have it "better" than something like 70+% of the world population. In reality they screw us behind closed doors daily and maintain an illusion of freedom and prosperity for the masses to keep them docile. All while they pay to rig the system, tilt the scales in their favor, line their pockets with our labors, giving us crumbs from the big-picture pie so they and their shareholders can feast. They only care about themselves and do the least possible for the people they manipulate and steal from because as they see it, they own their employees and their constituents. They are the lords and noblemen of society, they deserve the spoils. A happy slave is a good slave. They just changed the name to citizen, made them free-range and put on a big show that the plutocratic dogs, or as we know them "The GOP", can try to rip to apart. Under the current congress and administration...the dogs are truly giving their masters their moneys worth.

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