As a 23-year old living in NJ, everytime I hear that somebody in my age group has died (Xpost r/adviceanimals)

Before you guys comment or hop on the downvote train:

1) I am not posting this to poke any fun at the issue whatsoever. This just happens to be my first thought when hearing someone young passes and has always been the truth thus far. This meme is a good portrayal of that in my opinion.

2) Yes, I am well aware that probably 95% (don't quote me on that statistic) of ODs are from either heroin that is cut with fentanyl, or all fentanyl that is sold off as heroin. However, it is the heroin that generally everyone is after. And heroin is still a very potent opiate that doesn't come from a pharmacy so nobody can determine its potency, so it's still easy to OD if you do your normal amount of bags that ends up being way more potent than what you usually buy. Especially with the ECP around here, it's very potent and dangerous. I had an uber driver the other day that actually was a Passaic County Sheriff who told me that Paterson has the purest heroin in the country right now (again, don't quote me on the stats).

3) To the mods, sorry in advance for the meme.

/r/opiates Thread Link -