
I agree about classes. Adding to your other points, I never had a fullfilling social life, but most people in my classes were involved in sports/Greek life. They're not a majority, however, you can tell there are a quite a few students who fall into those categories, it's something to be aware of, whether that interests you or not OP. (I'm also very politically neutral/centristic, so I never really made any friends due to the overwhelming political climate at this school)

Overall, if you're pretty social and can already make friends with ease, it shouldn't be too difficult to find them, but in my experience it was hard to fit in with the culture of the school, and like the poster above said, majors aren't very organized and you will end up taking a bunch of classes that don't seem to be relevant to fields of interest. Plus there is a four semester humanities sequence requirement and those classes fill up fast.

/r/unca Thread Parent