Black Lives Matter Justice for Desmond Rally tomorrow! 3481 Fulton Rd Cleveland 2-5pm

I'm so glad you're genuinely interested in this VERY real, serious, and deadly use of militarized police against unarmed civilians. It's people like you that really help keep the super important stuff in the forefront, like focusing on the comment I made which included a percentage to represent the absurd number of instances of heavily armed, geared-up, militarized police who continually use excessive and deadly force against peaceful, unarmed protestors while they're exercising their constitutional rights. As soon as I saw your reply I was like, 'Omg this person doesn't know how to do a basic search the internet!' So I totally get why you might be like, "Whaaaaat?? No way police are responsible for an extraordinary number of violence acts against anyone!" I'm really sorry you haven't had the opportunity to pay attention to the world outside your front door. I mean, the media is being really irresponsible by not covering a single act of violence started by police. And cell phone evidence posted by civilians all over the internet is probs really, really hard to find. Hmmmm... But where is any proof of this extraordinary amount of violence caused by militarized cops... OH YEAH IT'S EVERYWHERE SO OPEN YOUR EYES AND STOP FOCUSING ON DUMB SHIT WHEN POLICE WON'T STOP KILLING BROWN PEOPLE! #nojusticenopeace

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