I [27 F] am tired of being the weekend girlfriend with my boyfriend [27 M] of 6 months

This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I think it is kind of damaging to say "if he loves you, he'll make time for you" in this situation because he IS making time for you, it's just not as much time as you'd like, which is fine. I'm an introvert and my ex bf was not. It was a major strain on our relationship. I was trying to balance work, school, me time, and hanging out with him. We probably hung out about 2-3 times per week on average, but that was never enough for him. So even when I would take a night off for "me time" it would be tainted by all of this pressure and guilt. He would constantly be putting pressure on me to hang out again AND he always used the line "if you loved me, you'd make time for me." He never made plans himself so it was always on me to set up dates. After about a year, I kind of went crazy. I was under stress from school, pressure from him, pressure from myself, and not enough quality alone time. I fell into a deep depression for months. I pushed on in our relationship hoping the depression would subside but after 6 months it just didn't. I just couldn't get better while maintaining that relationship and working under the pressure he had me under (I should clarify that he put pressure on me in more ways than just hanging out frequently). We broke up and I believe it was for the best. It probably is for the best in your situation too. I just wanted to speak up for introverts because some of us really do depend on alone time and on a normal schedule (that's what it sounds like he's doing) just to stay sane. It's possible he really does need all that time especially if you spend all weekend every weekend together. Regardless, if that's not good enough for you then you should end things.

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