[Consorting with Sky Pirates] Ultimate Consultation Thread

Reporting a one-shot, no-miss mastery of both.


  1. Party:
Character Ability 1 Ability 2 Record Materia Soul Break
Auron 80 Yukikaze R2 Darkmoon R3 Legend Blade Banish Blade
Relm 72 Curaja R4 Shellga R2 Ace Striker Lakshmi
Faris 65 Fullbreak R2 Armour BD R3 Init SB Broadside
Ramza 80 Banish Strike R4 Lifesiphon R4 Init SB Shout
Tyro 80 Confuse Shell R1 Blind Shell R3 Battleforged SLG
  1. Roaming Warrior: SG. I have SG native, but opted to use RW wall with SLG here.

  2. Notable RS gear: Weapons - K-Sword, Gungnir, Zwill Blade, Golden Axe. Armour - two Chanter's Djellaba, Golden Armour, Viking Coat.

  3. Other notable SB: Not for this purpose.

My first cast of Yukikaze managed to blind all three Judges; after that, it was a matter of tapping my target scores, continuing to wear down and kill the adds with Auron, and smacking Bergan efficiently.


  1. Party:
Character Ability 1 Ability 2 Record Materia Soul Break
Auron 80 Lifesiphon R4 Darkmoon R3 Legend Blade Banish Blade
Relm 72 Curaja R4 Protega R2 Ace Striker Lakshmi
Faris 65 Fullbreak R2 Armour BD R3 Init SB Broadside
Ramza 80 Banish Strike R4 Lifesiphon R3 Init SB Shout
Pecil 80 Saint Cross R3 Power Break R4 Battleforged Saint Fall

RW was Hand of the Emperor (not wall!)

This started out very slowly and ramped up as my debuffs piled on. Splitting Saint Cross and Banish Strike allows you to spam Saint Cross with one knight, while the other (or Ramza) can stop spamming Lifesiphon long enough to dispel this guy.
I didn't kill either Rook, and my Banish Strike hones weren't threatened.

/r/FFRecordKeeper Thread