Magicite Autobattle Megathread

After repeatedly failing to get a water chain, I decided to go with a slightly different approach...

  1. **Boss:** Phoenix w/ Lightning Chain

  2. **Battle Speed:** 2; Semi Auto

  3. **Time:** Sub-30 (best is around 25s)

  4. **RW:** Wall

  5. ***Expository Banter:***

* No water chain? Thankfully Stormspell Strike is Water/Lightning and can be taken advantage of!

* The first move is manual, but the rest can be left on Auto with pretty consistent outcomes (occasionally RNG can mess up and Sap will eat into Last Stand)

* Move 1: Prompto - Sapphire Bullet; Bartz - Wall; Kimahri - Radiant Shield; Elarra - Haste; Aerith - Shellga

* I tried lots of different approaches using Rikku as an imperiler instead of using a chain, but Elarra and Aerith couldn't keep up towards the end

* I also tried a few times where Elarra was replaced with Penelo with USB2 and Multi Break, but haven't tested enough to see whether it's consistently better

* The lvl 50 Water Sword artefact is probably unnecessary with the chain; I got it when trying imperil methods

* Most issues arise if Bartz calls the second Wall - this can lead to wipeout or missing out on Sub 30

|Hero, dive|Magia|Waters|Ability 1|Ability 2|Materia|Equipment Notes|SBs|


|Prompto, 5| | |Sapphire Bullet R3|Tempest Snipe R4|Gun+||CSB|

|Bartz, 5|100 HP, 14 ATK|HP, ATK, DEF, RES|Stormspell Strike R5| |Sword+|Water Sword Artefact lvl 50; 2x Water+|AASB|

|Kimahri, 5| |HP, DEF, RES|Wrath R5| |MM|2x Water+|BSB, USB|

|Elarra, 5|100 HP, 25 MND, 49 DEF|HP, DEF, RES, MND|Hastega R1|Curada R4|DMT| |USB1|

|Aerith, 5|100 HP, 11 MND|HP, DEF, RES, MND|Shellga R1 |Ultra Cure R5|Lionheart| |USB2|




|Attack Boon 15|Attack Boon 15|Health Boon 8|Blade Ward 8|Spell Ward 8|

|Empower Water 15|Empower Water 15|Blade Ward 8|Health Boon 8|Fast Act 10|

/r/FFRecordKeeper Thread