Copy Cat - [Crappy Gold Edition]: "Watch, and learn"

So yeah I bowed to the peer pressure and made this thing a beast. So if a Blizzard employee sees this, gets it approved by the design team and somehow implements it in Un'goro within the next 2 weeks, then you can blame those 3 guys who saw my last post if it ends up being op in Beast druid or something.

Anyways I designed this card mostly as a tech card versus Adapt, while also being a good epic pickup in arena. As far as counter tech's go I think this one is pretty cool, since there are distinct ways to play around it even if you're forced to put down an adapt minion while your enemy has this. Choosing the health buff, taunt or divine shield will generally result in both minions just bumping off each other, while extra damage and poisonous can swing the damage stats in or out of flavor of either side depending on stat distribution. Stealth is essentially the jackpot since it only last til the start of your next turn, meaning the Copy-Cat gets nothing out of it. A lot of cool stuff to think about.

It being epic means that it wouldn't completely shutdown any burgeoning Adapt based arena meta that could spring up. But it would be a pretty sweet silver bullet to come across from time to time, and would be good to find in the epic rarity slot which generally has some of the weirder more situational stuff lying about.

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