Windows 10 is bringing shitty ads to File Explorer, here's how to turn them off

Enviroment locking to Specific hardware is the big one.

If OSX was avalible to be installed on personally built machines it'd make it a very interesting option.

Further more Apples sue happy anti competitive behavior is something to avoid supporting them for.

Apple has repeatedly shown they don't have the means to attack competition and patent troll.

The big difference between Windows and Linux versus mac is the accessability to the software.

Ubuntu is free and readily avalible in many flavors without any cost to the consumer.

Windows10 can be practically used without ever being activated, and pirated editons are made that keep the user base running if they cant/wont buy a key.

Something Mac really can't say. Hackintosh is a thing but it's limited and not reliable.

Mac needs to get out of this environment lockdown before it's really a legitimate option.

I'm not paying out the ass for underpowered overpriced hardware just to get at a different OS.

Let me build my own workstation and put OSX on it.

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