"Covered Strangles"

Depends on the situation. With options you have plenty of options. The 10% was just a suggestion based on what OP posted. Do your DD and figure out what strikes make sense for the underlying you are playing on. I don’t think I’ve ever had each side of the strangle be the same width. (My call sides tend to be wider since I’m more comfortable managing the put side it it goes against me)

If the put side loses; you can take assignment then sell covered calls at the assignment price while selling a new put. You could roll the put side out for a credit while selling your new call. You could btc and take the small loss and start over. There is nothing wrong with taking a small loss in order to free up your capitol to be used in a potentially more profitable trade if you don’t feel the underlying will come back to your price. I know this will get downvoted but you can double down to sell the rolled put at a lower strike price to increase the chance of getting out (but only if your DD says this will work and you had correct positional sizing first time). As you said worst case you could even take the stock and just wait it out. If you’re only selling options on stock you are fine with holding long term then you just hold it and be glad you got to buy it at a discount.

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