How many of you used to do "dividend investing" before you stumbled across options and Theta Gang?

I definitely include a few good divi stocks in my theta portfolio.

I generally have 4 buckets of theta based trades on (plus occassional hedges).

1) Poor Man's Covered Call 2) Cash Secured Puts 3) Covered Calls 4) Short Covered Strangles

PMCC for some of my most bullish convictions with defined timeframes.

CSPs for my general conviction holdings. Will include some dividends but try to keep it to a minimum.

Covered calls. Strong convictions again, but more likely to make this bucket than others if it offers a 2.5%+ dividend. Examples of current holdings: VALE, BMY, KL, RKT, XOM. Likely make it to Strangles if good divi and premium.

Short Covered Strangles for higher IV high conviction or high margin of safety plays betting that the market is overpricing the risk. Not usually memes but some squeeze in occasionally. GSL, CLF, BGFV, GOED, HIMX. Long legs may be LEAPS or shares.

/r/thetagang Thread