Coward gets what he deserves

this guy harrases me 24/7, he even tries to bully me. I'll tell you how:
So this mess started with him creating false claims. I was having a conversation with another guy and he jumped in and started conflicts. He carried the stupid topic over the days and is creating new conflicts 24/7 in 4 servers. I reported him on discord and his alt and he didn't care, his name is mad seal and oh boy, is he a madman. He hypnotized the server members into thinking that he's right (which idk what and how), and he's still doing this lol. 10 year old kid who's saying that he should get 200+ kills with agent pea played as agent and electro pea for a full round and got around 40 kills. I'm not judging his skill level, but he's bragging about his fake skill for way too long and it's not true at all. He thinks he's funny and tries to get attention while creating conflicts all over the place, and no, he's the problem, not me. I know this sounds stupid but he is really stupid for a such silly topic to argue on. He's just a helpless person. Thanks for reading this all the way through, I'm not expecting you to support me but don't support him either, this conflict isn't supposed to be on Reddit, and don't take this seriously.

/r/PvZGardenWarfare Thread Link -