Suggestion list of thing that should be in the game!

I like when new maps get added. I like that they aren't DLC too. I think a moon level would be cool, careful with the soldier or peashooter as their abilities could keep them in the sky for awhile. I like the idea of indoor. A cavern-like map for bigger gametypes and maybe like an indoor zomboss mansion, slightly smaller for CQB-oriented characters. I love the pain train and I'm sad to see it go. I like the idea of female-feminine characters for both teams. A lot of the characters have some cosmetic changes but never enough to associate one as clearly a different gender. I think different terrains would be great for team advantages and type-specific advantages as well. Icy and snowy levels for the ice characters, slimy green swamps for the toxic characters. I'd like type advantages of both concealment as well as the ability to nullify damage due to map constraints. A fire map dealing out fiery damage if you find yourself in a lava pit and making ice character attacks weaker, but fire peas have access to everything. A toxic map where toxic damage increases in proximity to certain green smoky areas and slows the healer classes healing ability. I want a cemetery attack mode. The old plants vs zombies games were based on zombies attacking the garden. But in garden warfare, these plants have had enough! They're on the attack in the new game type where the zombies have to defend different burial grounds.

Mini bosses for gardens and graveyards. For whenever zombies or plants capture a garden center out cemetery: PLANTS: - 3-headed sunflower! Once unearthed, each head iscapable of firing solar beams at incoming zombies whilst healing Closeby teammates. - Cactica! Capable of firing an insta-vanquish needle, but it takes a few seconds for it to fire after it acquires a target, and the zombies can tell when it sees them because it utilizes a powerful laser to sight. If you see a laser on your zombie, find cover! Also it enables nearby cacti-classes to plant more potato mines and setup more tallnuts. As Cactica is defeated, she explodes into 10-15 garlic and artichoke drones (AI-controlled, of course.)! - Chomper Hydra! A large seven headed Chomper comes out of the ground and each head is searching for a zombie, don't get too close! As each head is defeated, it falls off, devolving into three cute little Chomper babies, incapable of swallowing a zombie, but they'll latch on and deal a little damage. The more baby hydra chompers, the more damage per second! - Peazilla! Essentially a bus-sized peashooter. This roided up pea is on a rampage, slamming its pea pod hands on the ground, firing a shotgun spray of large peas at opponents, it's hyper ability unable to push the pea any faster, only enables it to jump high and when it lands, it stuns nearby zombies. Upon expiration, it drops a giant chili bean with a mustache and acoustic guitar. The chili bean says, "sayanara!" And explodes creating fire damage and instantly killing/burning everything with 50 feet. ZOMBIES: - Big Boss! A tall yeti-like engineer that has the meanest mustache in existence! Capable of throwing out multiple AI zombots, shooting a stungun that does nothing but annoy its victim, and though he doesn't have a jackhammer, He does have a sledgehammer. Capable of instantly vanquishing opposing plants. Plants must knock his hard hat off in order to deal any critical damage. When he expires, he turns into a cement statue, perfect for cover or annoying plants. - Team bus! A driveable vehicle! Utilize the horn to stun plants, move quickly around the area and supply mobile cover with this giant bus. It is an easy target, but zombies can hide inside and shoot from it. When it is destroyed, whoever was inside, is now outside. - Dr. Zomboss! The doc is ready for you now. He appears to be a regular scientist, except he can fly and teleport. He has multiple different types of weapons, some not yet issued to the zombie frontlines. He can fire upgraded paintballs, super cement, and rockets, annoyingly fast. And he heals all teammates in close proximity. When he is vanquished, he pushes a button and a satellite blazes the ground, teleporting him to safety and damaging nearby plants significantly. - Zombie Commander! A yeti-like Soldier with a clean shave and two fast loading ZPGs. Able to throw explosive and smoke grenades. Upon expiration, he ignites his rocket thrusters and skims the ground, aiming for plants. As he whirs by them, he grabs as many as he can before flying upwards and eaglediving into the ground for the vanquish! *I imagine these as mini bosses, not as unstoppable forces. I want vehicles in game too. A hippy flower power RV for the plants and a soccer mom van-type bus for the zombies.

/r/PvZGardenWarfare Thread